Thursday, April 15, 2010


OK, So this is the first post that I have done that is not about Sadie! Sorry this might be boring for some. Well I have been VERY baby hungry.....and I am not really sure if I should follow through with it, or hope that it passes!! I remember allot in the Labor and Delivery room saying to my mother-in-law " I AM NOT DOING THIS AGAIN" Why is that? See thats the bummer I don't even know why I said that. For those of you who don't know, I went through a time of post partum Depression.... it was not a fun moment in my life, infact it was the probably the worst thing that I have ever gone through. I have somewhat an idea of some things that I will do differently next time around.............I hope that it works... I guess we will see! I would like to hear your thoughts!

Sunday, April 11, 2010

She loves her Silky!

Big Girl!

She had, had it with getting her pictures taken!

First year flew by..........

It is SO crazy to think that Sadie was born a whole year ago.....I can't believe it! She has been such a blessing and is SO fun! I thought I would never say this but, im ready for another one! Everything that I wen't through the first couple of months was SO worth it! I would do it all over again for her in a heart beat! Mommy loves you Sadie!

Monday, April 5, 2010

A Pleasant Surprise

So your probably thinking that those M&M's look heavenly........well, not exactly. The Easter Bunny brought Eric some M&M's for Easter so yes I decided to have a couple because Eric was on the couch eating them. As I reached into the bag one fell out of my hand on to the floor, keep in mind ONE fell onto the floor. The sweet husband that Eric is he said " Oh I got it" He picked them up about to throw them in his mouth when he said "Wait, I just changed Sadie's bum, I think this might be poop" He smelled it " SICK IT'S POOP, I ALMOST ATE POOP"!!! HAHA Super funny! Just thought I would share how Eric almost ate poop! If any of you know Eric he is a BIG Germaphobe mostly when it comes to bowel movements!